The music that accompanies a Reiki session encourages deep relaxation. It should be pleasant enough to capture a client’s attention, but shouldn’t shift their focus away from the present moment. With that in mind, I’ve created my own Reiki playlist — suitable for Reiki students, Reiki practitioners, or clients looking for music to accompany their next virtual session.
Music and mental health
If you are drawn to a certain type of music when you need a pick-me-up, or to a song that is tied to a memory that makes your heart smile — the truth is, I’m not surprised. That’s because music is essential to our mental health, and can play a significant role in healing our emotions. Listening to the right type of music can help minimize stress, reduce depressive symptoms, and improve our general well-being.
Personally, I have a go-to-playlist for those days when I need some beautiful melodies or encouraging words to boost my mood. Do you?

Reiki and music
When it comes to my Reiki practice, I prefer to listen to something that isn’t too familiar. The music has to be pleasant enough to capture my attention, but it shouldn’t shift my focus to the memories or feelings it evokes.
It can take time to find just the right music for Reiki, so I thought I’d share with you what resonates with me these days. Whether you’re a Reiki student, a practitioner, or a client looking for music for your next virtual session, feel free to browse the list below to find a melody that speaks to you.
My Reiki recommendations
This album is the most played collection of music in the studio. If you’re a regular, you may have noticed that every healing session will have this playing in the background. The native American flute accompanied by the natural sound of flowing water complements the session in just the right way.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
This music is perfect for deep relaxation. You will typically hear it playing as you enter the studio. In my case, it helps me mentally prepare for my next session. With the sound vibrations helping set the energy, I am able to centre and ground myself. I set my thoughts aside to focus on your arrival.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
Vira, by Talvin Singh and Rakesh Chaurasia, is another piece of music that may be playing when you enter the studio. I love classical Indian music. The sound of the sitar and flute takes me to a place where there is nothing but me and the music. It brings my mind back to the soul — which gives me the harmony I need to be in the moment with myself.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
This album, by Rakesh Chaurasia, is specifically for Reiki healing. The music’s light, happy vibes nicely pairs with a Reiki session. All tracks are seamless, bringing you blissful moments that don’t end when a song does. If this album touches you, you will most definitely like his other albums too.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.

Loreena McKennitt‘s album is not your typical Reiki background music, but I recommend it for those who want to quiet their mind quickly. It has just the right amount of words plus a vibrant melody — both of which can help you focus, releasing your mind from all its swirling thoughts.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
Lágrimas Negras, by Bebo Valdés & Diego El Cigala, is another atypical recommendation for Reiki, but in my experience, it touches the soul and allows us to heal. While I don’t understand the words, I feel the energy that comes from every sound I hear on this album. As the music can be somewhat distracting, I recommend it only for Reiki (or simple relaxation) you would do on your own at home — not if you’re looking for music to accompany your Virtual Reiki session.
Find the album on YouTube.
The music on this album is by various artists, including my favourite Indian musician, Shujaat Husain Khan. It fits into the same category as the two above, and is better for relaxation at home. Let yourself become entranced by the soulful music, and notice the harmony between your mind and body in the moment.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
That’s if for now, but I will continue adding to this list over time, so please do check back. Or, follow me on social media to get my real-time Reiki music recommendations!
Thanks for listening. 🙂
Let’s make today wonderful,
P.S. Stay tuned for a post where I share my top Reiki apps… coming soon!