Japan Reiki Studio was established in 2012, as an affiliate of Japan Reiki Association (JRA). An authority in this eastern tradition, JRA has been bringing the Reiki community together in Japan and around the world since 1994. At Japan Reiki Studio, our teachings are in alignment with JRA, the Canadian Reiki Association, and Usui Reiki a natural form of healing developed 100 years ago.

Our goal at Japan Reiki Studio is to support you throughout your entire Reiki journey. We design each session in harmony with the principals of Usui Reiki, helping bring holistic healing from within. You will find relaxation the moment you step into our space whether that be in person or virtually.

When you learn with us, you’ll soon find out that only one thing is standing in your way: your mind. Set it free to discover limitless possibilities with Reiki. Not sure how? Our healers can help. Get to know them below!


Founder, Teacher & Principal Healer

Japanese at heart and Indian in heritage, Nasreen didn’t embrace Reiki for many years.

It was at an outdoor Reiki Circle in India — under the blue sky, among the lush green trees, and atop the brown earth — where Nasreen experienced her ‘a-ha moment.’ This, she thought, is Reiki. The life-sustaining energy that lies within us and around us.

Bilingual in English and Japanese, she first became involved with Reiki in 2009, while translating Reiki books for Japan Reiki Association (JRA). At that time, Nasreen was very skeptical about the powers of Reiki. But she soon travelled to India with the Association as their interpreter. And it was there, at that outdoor Reiki Circle, that she began to truly feel what Reiki could do. And so began her journey.

In 2011, Nasreen headed overseas with the Association once again — this time to Japan. There, she completed her teacher training, and became a JRA-certified teacher. She is also a registered teacher with Canadian Reiki Association.

Nasreen’s motto is,
Me first, then everyone else!

Selfish? Nope. She knows how important it is to fill your cup first. It is only then that you are able to truly help others.


Master Healer & Teacher

Naaz began her Reiki journey at a time in her life when she needed to heal. It was 2006. Six months earlier, she had been in a car accident in Japan. And as a result, her left hand and right leg did not function properly. All of her regular activities came to a standstill. She couldn’t even wash her face without help. Having always been an active, independent person, Naaz couldn’t accept that this would be her life, that she would be dependent on others for simple tasks.

Conventional medicine had failed her. Naaz had undergone a semi-successful surgery, but there was still work to be done. Unfortunately, her Japanese doctors told her this was all they could do. As a next step Naaz was to go into rehabilitation to gain some control of her muscles again. She was not given a timeline. The feeling was that it would be a very long time before her body would be hers again… if ever.

So wheelchair in tow, Naaz headed to India in search of alternate solutions. She tried various holistic healing methods, including Yoga and Ayurveda, but none of them helped. But finally, she discovered Reiki.

At that time, It seemed like every other person in India had learned Reiki level 1. So Naaz did a bit of research and decided to learn it herself. She became a Reiki Master in no time, and was determined to use Reiki to heal herself. Her plan proved effective she practiced Reiki as often as she could, and soon regained full use of her hand and leg. People began to notice, and asked her to teach them this form of healing.

The truth was, Naaz could effectively heal herself and others using Reiki, but she didn’t have enough information to teach it. In 2008, she headed to Japan and retrained with Japan Reiki Association, completed their teacher’s program, and became the first non-Japanese certified teacher at JRA. Naaz then established the India chapter in 2009.

Naaz is always busy travelling between Japan, India and Canada so be sure to take advantage of her expertise when she is here in Toronto. She has a lot to share about her personal journey with Reiki. She is also very intuitive, and often uses crystals to enhance your session and expedite the healing process.

When presented with a problem, Naaz’s response is: Maybe Reiki?

The way she sees it, Reiki is always part of the solution. So if you want to resolve an issue, give it a try!

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