Traditional Wellness
for Modern Life

Finding Joy Through Reiki

For Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to spread the wealth –– no, the joy –– I experience each day thanks to Reiki. After more than a year of social distancing and self-isolating, lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, it’s no surprise that so many of us are suffering from symptoms of anxiety or depression*. Life is hard enough without a global pandemic to deal with. But, here we are –– 14 months into the most life-changing event of the century. And it hasn’t been easy.

Here’s the thing, we are only human. And feeling down sometimes is a normal part of life –– as long as we are able to balance the lows with the highs, of course. The good news is that we humans are also amazingly resilient. But for those times when it’s just too tough to cope, there are some pretty effective (and simple!) tools you can use to improve your mood.

And guess what, Reiki is one of them. 

As a Reiki healer, I should know. I use the energy that surrounds us and is within us to heal both myself and others. I tap into this energy, allowing my hands to be the passage through which healing is offered. Healing can be physical, mental, or emotional. But today I’m going to talk about how this simple everyday practice can help improve our mood, and yes, even bring us joy in the middle of a pandemic.

So how can Reiki improve mental health? This traditional healing practice can help us…


I like to say that Reiki “clears the clutter” in our mind –– an important step to having a more positive life outlook. Because if we can silence our inner critic, we make room for happier, more positive thoughts.


There’s a ton of research out there that tells us that meditation helps ease depressive symptoms. And practicing Reiki is a way to passively experience the mental health benefits of meditation –– without doing all the work!


Many health experts believe that getting a better night’s sleep is a key to happiness. And I happen to agree! (We all know how grumpy we can be when we aren’t well rested, and Reiki can help us achieve deeper relaxation before bedtime.)


Reiki also gives us a much-needed energy boost –– helping increase our focus and motivation during the work day. And the more productive we are, the more accomplished (and happier) we tend to feel. Win-win! 


My weekly Wellness Reiki Circle is a powerful group healing experience whose mental health benefits can’t be ignored. Practicing in a group setting provides accountability and makes it easier to commit long term. The best part? It’s virtual, so you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

If you want a more customized healing experience, Reiki ReDesign is a program available for deeper, more long-term healing. Want to know more? Drop me a line! 

*IMPORTANT: If you or someone you love are experiencing lasting depressive symptoms (e.g., more than 3 days in a row), please reach out to your family doctor or therapist right away.

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Picture of Nasreen


Nasreen’s motto is, Me first, then everyone else! Selfish? Nope. She knows how important it is to fill your cup first. It is only then that you are able to truly help others.



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