This 10-week Wellness Reiki Circle is a powerful group healing experience that will help you rediscover your PURPOSE. Runs March 31st ~ June 2nd.
What I love about our group Reiki sessions is that I get to choose a truly meaningful theme that our healing will centre around over a 10-week period. As we completed our work on BALANCE in March, I’m really looking forward to helping participants (and myself!) rediscover our PURPOSE after what has been a really challenging year.
Anyone else find themselves feeling a sense of purposelessness over the past 12 months?
Rediscover your purpose with Reiki
Maybe you knew exactly where your life was going in early 2020 — and then the pandemic hit. Did you feel paralyzed, or like you were swept up in the motions but never knew what was coming next? Were you confused by all the (sometimes contradictory) information about what you should be doing to keep yourself and your loved ones safe? Did you lose hope each time the lockdown was extended? Did you feel like you put a pause on your previous life? On your goals and dreams?

Everything changed, and yet in some ways, everything stayed the same. (Groundhog Day, anyone?) Everything had to be reinvented — from the way we run our businesses and our families to the way we think about grocery shopping, social encounters, and even ourselves. And for so many of us, our patience has long been wearing thin. So how do we find our purpose? Where to start?
The good news is, we can take our healing into our own hands in a super affordable, super convenient virtual group format. It’s called a Wellness Reiki Circle, and it’s your first step to making a positive change that will impact your life in so many positive ways.
How it works
So how will the Reiki Circle empower you to discover your purpose and define your goals? First and foremost, by clearing the clutter in your mind. By the end of the series (or even a few sessions), you may notice that you are able to:
- Experience deeper relaxation
- Quiet the noise and achieve better focus
- Feel more present and less distracted
- Feel more energized or motivated
- Practice self-compassion more easily

And it’s really simple. Start by finding a quiet spot in your home, where you can sit comfortably on a chair, the floor, or even lay down. Once you’ve connected via Zoom, all you have to do is listen to my voice and the music in the background.
Once we’ve begun, I will ask you to visualize the movement of energy as I speak.You also have the option of placing your hands on or above different parts of your body as I instruct you to do so. If either of these is outside of your comfort zone, no worries. My voice is like a bridge that connects us, helping the energy flow from me to you.
When the session is done, I will guide you back slowly, and ask you to open your eyes when you are ready. Be mindful of how you feel at the end of a Reiki Circle. You may even want to write your thoughts down and compare notes as the weeks go by. If you observe yourself making progress, give yourself a pat on a back. You’ll be that much closer to discovering and defining your purpose.
What past participants have said about the Wellness Reiki Circle
“Love your Reiki circle! Such good flowing energy going on every single time!”
“I’ve never been very good at meditating, but I love how Reiki feels like it is being ‘done’ to me, rather than me having to put in the effort. The cool thing is that by the end of a session, I kinda feel like I imagine I would if I had just meditated.”
“You are incredible! Shining light and beautiful energy everywhere you go!”
What’s next?
Our next group theme is SLEEP. Because now that we’ve aligned ourselves (BALANCE), and identified where we want to go (PURPOSE), we need to sleep on it to find the way
For me, using Reiki to discover and define my purpose opens a path towards achieving my goals, whether short term or long term. I hope you’ll join me to (re)discover yours.
If it sounds too good to be true, it really isn’t. And you can see for yourself.